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Collection of paintings «Mystical paintings»


Mystical paintings, although not as common in the world of fine art as, for example, landscapes or still lifes, occupy a special place in the hearts of art lovers. These works, filled with mystery and extraordinary depth, often become the object of close attention not only by art critics, but also by specialists in the field of psychoanalysis and cultural studies.

Such paintings often contain a wealth of images, symbols and archetypes, each of which serves as a guide to the world of sacred meanings and ancient secrets. Mystical art becomes a kind of bridge between the visible and the invisible, the material and the spiritual, the temporal and the eternal. It opens the viewer's doors to spaces where reality intertwines with fiction, and everyday life fades into the background, giving way to the inexplicable and mysterious.

Mystical paintings sometimes become a mirror of the subconscious, reflecting a person’s deepest fears, hopes and desires. They can act as a key to understanding cultural, religious and philosophical concepts, awakening in viewers reflection on the essence of existence and questions of metaphysics.

All this makes mystical paintings real masterpieces, capable of both captivating the imagination and raising new questions and challenges for the scientific community. Thus, these works become an inexhaustible source of inspiration and knowledge, providing everyone with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world of secrets and discoveries.

Mysticism and art

Mysticism is, first of all, a special type of worldview, which is characterized by irrationalism and belief in the possibility of intuitive knowledge of the secrets of existence. The reality around us is considered illusory, hiding the true reality. Symbols play a special role in mysticism. They are considered unique keys to secrets accessible to a narrow circle of the elite. Artists working in this theme draw inspiration from dreams and states of altered consciousness. To fully understand the works, you must have solid knowledge in various fields of humanities (philosophy, cultural studies, religious studies, mythology). Each image can have many levels of interpretation, so mystical paintings often turn into intellectual puzzles.

Mystical paintings by famous artists

During the Renaissance, Hieronymus Bosch was rightfully considered the master of the genre. The master's achievements were highly valued by his contemporaries and became an object of imitation for copyists. The work “Ascent into the Empyrean” can give an idea of the talent of the Dutch artist. The religious symbolism of that time is striking in its complexity and thoughtfulness. Unfortunately, in our time, not all images can receive the correct interpretation.

The representative of Spanish romanticism, Francisco Goya, also addressed religious symbolism in his works. His painting “Saint Francis Borgia at the Tomb of a Dying Sinner” is dedicated to the mystery of the transition of the human soul to another world. The face of the shepherd and the masks of demons are made according to the ideas of Catholic Spain about otherworldly reality. Despite all the clarity of the narrative, the storyline remains incomplete.

Sometimes artists take inspiration from folklore. In 1859, the world saw the painting “Death and the Woodcutter” by Jean Francois Millet. On the canvas, inexorable fate appears in the anthropomorphic image of a bony woman in a white shroud. Despite the obvious social issues of the plot, the picture still prompts reflection on the true horizons of human existence.

Styles and art materials

Mystical artists have always existed and used various techniques available in their time. Canvases dedicated to the mysteries of existence were painted both during the Northern Renaissance and during the times of romanticism. As for paints and canvases, craftsmen give preference to more expensive and durable materials. In this subject, watercolor sketches or small paintings made in gouache are rarely found. Mysticism requires a serious attitude, which is why artists usually mix oil paints on a palette.

Modern masters use techniques of modernism, realism, abstractionism, expressionism, surrealism and other directions. Therefore, the paintings fit organically into both modern and classic interiors. In the online gallery KyivGallery you will find many paintings by Ukrainian masters worthy of attention. Everyone will be able to choose a canvas in accordance with their worldview. We do not limit the creativity of masters and make only one requirement - the work must have artistic value.

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